Black Ships Gala 2023

Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Black Ships Festival. Enjoy a formal gala honoring the signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa and the accomplishments of the United States Navy. Join us as we welcome Japanese Dignitaries, RI Officials and the US Navy. Enjoy a unique evening that fuses both Japanese and American culture. The Gala includes dancing, an Open Bar, wines by Oyster Bay Wines, and cultural cuisine with a Japanese flare. Begin the evening with the breaking of the Ceremonial Sake Drum filled with Gekkeikan Sake. Enjoy a exclusive taiko drumming presentation by Odaiko New England Taiko Drummers. Outstanding sit down dinner prepared by McGrath's Catering. Gala is Presented by Toray Plastics (America), Inc.
Ticket sales have closed for this year
1854年、神奈川条約、別名日米和親条約の締結を記念して、Japan America Society of RI は、当時、ペリーが自分の蒸気船ポーハタン号で催したような豪華なパーティを催します。海辺に立つニューポートの豪邸において、夕焼けを背に大太鼓、琴演奏、ジャズ、オープンバー、はるき寿司、月桂冠の酒樽鏡開きでの祝杯、海軍、ロードアイランド及び日本からの要人をお招きし、フルコースディナー(McGrath's Catering)、ダンス。お着物、ドレス、タキシードは、お好み次第でお越しください。ガラスポンサー:トーレアメリカ・プラスティックス
Saturday August 12th, 2023 @ 6:30 PM
~ Newport, RI~ Ochre Court